3 T. Shevchenka Lane,
Kyiv, 01001

If you became aware of infringements, please, contact us:

by Hot line 0-800-501-483 – common for all enterprises of the Company, calls from land line phones are free.

by e-mail [email protected]
– on conflicts of interests, exerting pressure on employees, breach of internal policies and procedures, in particular, those relating to safety and environment
– on fraud and corruption, abuse of office and breach of trust, violation of bidders’ rights

In the case of phone or written request of a natural person, please specify full name, contact phone number and e-mail. If a request is submitted from a legal entity, please, specify full name and title of the requesting person, his/her contact phone number and full company name (in the case of a written request, a letter shall be signed by a head of an organization and contain its full details)

Write to us

    Your name and surname*
    Your message*